The game requires DirectX 12 to run such as Diablo 4 as virtual machines cannot run DirectX 12.Examples of this include Genshin Impact, Valorant, Hogwarts Legacy and Elden Ring. The game uses anti-cheat protection software such as Vanguard or Denuvo which won’t work in virtual environment.However, there are some games that won’t either don’t work or won’t work in virtual environments for technical reasons. Parallels is the only way to run Windows on a Mac that is officially endorsed by Microsoft.
Parallels offers a 14 day free trial so you can try playing Windows games for free on your Mac with it first before deciding whether to purchase it. Parallels allows you to run Windows and macOS side-by-side so that you can simply switch to Windows in a click and play Windows only games in it.

In the majority of cases, installing a virtual machine like Parallels is by far the easiest way to play Windows games on a Mac including both Intel and Apple Silicon M1/M2 Macs such as the latest M2 MacBook Pros, M2 Mac Mini and Mac Studio. However, there are many ways to do this and the best option for you will depend on the game you want to play. The best way to play Windows games on a Mac computer is usually by installing Windows on a Mac. Alternative Ways To Play PC Games On Mac.Can I Play Windows Games On Mac Through Steam?.Can I Play Windows Games On M1 & M2 Macs?.